Monday, May 6, 2013

Guest congregations and productive return visits

The last few times out in service haven't been great for picture taking.  Street witnessing is difficult.  So are other people's Bible studies.

This may be the stock picture I use for studies.

Yesterday, May 5, I went with my mother on her progressive study.  It's a delight to go.  Her study really understands what she's learning and really makes and effort to apply it in her life.  Satan is throwing obstacles at her left and right, but she's understanding how much prayer can help her endure those trials.  You can see she's leaning on Jehovah, and she's teaching her little boy to as well.

Her study is not usually on Sundays, but circumstances necessitated moving it around, so she agreed to have it before the meeting.  So that morning I made scones for the first time ever, and we took them over to her for a little brunch while we did the study.

(They turned out great for my first ever scones.  I was very excited.)

We are hopeful that this study will join us for our one day this weekend.

Today, May 6, was really wet and cool and dreary.  Again.  I'm not sure which is worse right now, the rampant pollen, or frequent wet an dreary weather.  I'm waiting for winter.

No seriously.  My allergies are making me miserable right now.  Can't wait for allergy season and sudden-change-in-weather season to be over.

Anyway, probably because of the weather, no one from my group was out.  But Madison, who meets at the same time, had a nice group.  So I ended up going with them, and we went on a really great return visit.

We spent most of the time in the car driving or in the house, but here are a few blurry photos I was able to take out of the window.  I miss some of this territory.

You know, when I had this idea, we'd been having beautiful weather and gone out to these amazing territories in the mountains.  Suddenly it's all wet days.  Go figure.  :)

I may have a temporary (month-long) job offer in the works, but any day I'm not at work, I'll be out in service (health-willing) and hopefully taking some more photos of the area.